Comedy Night 2020: Message from Rabbi Jordan Brumer

Dear Friends,

Over the last 12 years, the JAC Comedy Night has been a highlight on the calendar for hundreds from our community. It is a night for you to laugh, eat good food and unite with the larger Jewish community for a good cause. For JAC, it is a critical event which raises the funds for us to pay our day to day expenses and continue to inspire Jewish greatness among the students at ASU and U of A.

A story is told of the great sage, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. He would lay his sons' clothes on the radiator to heat up on the cold winter mornings before waking the boys to school. His son would later say, "I knew that my physical well being was just as important to my father as my spiritual well being."

JAC is in the business of caring about the Jewish People's spiritual well being. It is important to note that their physical well being is just as important to us.

As you can imagine, cancelling our major fund raiser of the year is not an easy decision, and has tremendous financial implications for JAC, but ultimately the health of our community is of course our number one priority. Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the event that was scheduled for March 26th. We accept Hashem's will that it is not meant to happen at this time and we hope to reschedule the event honoring Vicki and Howard Cabot at a later date. We will let you know when a new date is decided.

If you have registered for the event and would like a refund, please email

There is always an "ask" at the event. I am sure you can recall the Brooks Family standing up on the stage saying that they will up their donation from last year and asking you to "up yours". We are sorry that at this time we can't provide you with a room full of people at a classy venue with a super fun program. We still need your help, though. The event nets JAC over $60,000. This money is used to cover our budget for the rest of the year. The event isn't happening, but the money is still needed.

Please donate generously today at or if you prefer to mail in a check to:
Jewish Arizonans on Campus
6740 East Voltaire Avenue
Scottsdale AZ 85254

May we all be blessed with only health and happiness.

All my best,
