It’s history, politics, contributions, importance in Judaism; each month will be a different topic.
Students must attend two (2) Israel classes to qualify for Maimonides or South Africa.
All classes facilitated by Andrew Gibbs (Only at ASU)
Why Does Israel Matter?
For thousands of years, there has been an unbreakable bond between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. In 2019, when we live freely and prosperously as Jews in America, why does Israel still matter?
What is Zionism?
Zionism is the ideology that the Jewish people should return to their national homeland. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, there’s a lot more to it. What does this return look like? How has it changed through the centuries and what do we mean by Zionism anyway?
Israeli History: 3000 Years in 60 Minutes
Join us for a journey through Israel's history from A (Abraham) to Z (Zionism).
Small but Mighty: Israeli Contributions to the World
Though just over 70 years young, Israel is known world-wide as the “Start-up Nation.” How did Israel become a world leader in this and many other arenas? What are some of its most impressive achievements?
Israeli Democracy and Politics**
Did you know Israel doesn't have a Constitution? Think the 2 major political parties in the United States are complicated? In Israel's 2019 elections, a record 47 parties registered to be on the ballot. Come explore the make-up of Israeli democracy and learn the basics of Israeli politics.
**Engage Israel/ JLF 2.0 alumni not eligible to attend for credit
Wife of Rabbi Meir, a Torah Scholar in her own right, in an age when women were in the kitchen, this woman was teaching men.
Facilitated by Rabbi and Risa Brumer
Mistaken for a drunkard, this is an exceptional woman you’ll want to learn about!
Facilitated by Rabbi and Risa Brumer
Discovery 1: Is there a God?
Is it provable, or just an irrational belief? Come judge for yourself.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
Discovery 2: Science vs. Torah
Can’t reconcile what you hear in science class with what you heard in Jewish day school? We can help! Come see how much of what we learned in science class was actually written in the Talmud 2000 years ago.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
The Afterlife
Where do we go after we die… what is the afterlife like and what do we do there?
Facilitated by Rabbi Jordan Brumer
Free Will
Is our destiny predetermined or do we have the ability to impact our future? Do we have control over our actions?
Facilitated by Rabbi Jordan Brumer
Why Bad Things Happen to Good People
Why do the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper? Come tackle this hotly debated theological issue
Facilitated by Rabbi Jordan Brumer
The Purple Jacket People
Ever wonder what it means to be the Chosen People? Come hear a fascinating analysis on the Jewish People’s role in the world
Facilitated by Rabbi Jordan Brumer
The American Dream
…or nightmare. An intriguing discussion that will get you thinking
Facilitated by Rabbi and Risa Brumer
The 4 Stages of Success
What are they and how to achieve them!
Facilitated by Rabbi and Risa Brumer
Love Dating & Marriage
Through a Jewish lens. Hot and important topics will be covered in this class.
Men facilitated by Rabbi Jordan Brumer and Women facilitated by Risa Brumer
Do you believe them? Have you ever experienced one? Come share your experiences and hear some stories!
Facilitated by Rabbi and Risa Brumer
Daily Living
Mindfulness has become so much a part of pop culture… but Judaism has been teaching mindfulness since the way beginning! Practical tips on how to incorporate Jewish mindfulness in your life.
Facilitated by Risa Brumer
If G-d knows what’s best for me then what’s the point of praying? And why should I follow a scripted prayer? Or should I?
Facilitated by Rabbi and Risa Brumer
Spirituality is totally in vogue! Does the Jewish view of spirituality concur with the modern one? This class will touch on the core values of Judaism.
Facilitated by Risa Brumer
The Star of David
Why is the most recognized Jewish symbol the Star of David? Because everything about what it means to be a Jew is encoded in 2 interlocked triangles. Come explore the history of the Star of David, what it represents, and why it is the symbol of a Jew.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
The Wedding Ring: Life Partner v Soulmate
Sick and tired of bad breakups? Discover the Jewish view on what to look for in a relationship, and the difference between a Life Partner and a Soulmate.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
Jewish Names Part 1: The Hebrew Language
There are 6500 languages in the world, but one of them is vastly different than all the rest. Which one? You guessed it: Hebrew. Come see how Hebrew is different than every other language on the planet, and how it can be used to uncover details about your life.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
Jewish Names Part 2: Your Name
Want to know the deep meaning behind your name, and how to discover your unique purpose and mission through it? Then join us as we reverse engineer your name, and uncover your hidden potential. (Please send in your name before the class if you want us to decipher it during the class.)
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
The Zodiac
Think astrology is a hoax? Come see if your grandparents agreed, as we dive into the Jewish belief in astrology, its history, and how the zodiac impacts the Jewish life.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
The Mezuzah
What do Apple, Starbucks, Lego, and Charles Schwabb all have in common? It’s inside your Mezuzah. In this class we will explore what the Mezuzah represents, why we keep it on our doorpost, and how it helps us stay focused on the 3 keys to success in business.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
Tzitzis & Hair Coverings
Oddly enough, the Jewish view of sexuality is best represented by Tzitzis and hair coverings. Sounds strange? Join us for some thought provoking discussion on this fascinating topic.
Facilitated by Rabbi and Risa Brumer
Why are Jews obsessed with food? For a nation that’s constantly on the run, we sure do eat a lot. Come learn how eating kosher leads to living kosher.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
Ever wonder why hair plays such a prominent role in Jewish culture? Come delve into the deep mystical meaning behind our hair, and how it can help us live a more fulfilling life.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
Attitude of Gratitude
It’s the perfect time of year to talk about being thankful… what does Judaism say about it?
Facilitated by Rabbi and Risa Brumer
My best friend is cheating and I’m the only one who knows, what should I do? Come explore the 7 rules of when it’s okay to talk about others.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
Anger & Stress
Over 75% of Americans report that they suffer from physical symptoms caused by stress. Learn how to avoid all stress & (almost) never get angry.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
Everyone has been hurt by someone. Learn the tools for how to forgive someone who hurt you, and when it’s okay to take revenge.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
“If I don’t lie, I’ll hurt her feelings.” Come tackle the difficult challenge of knowing when it’s okay to lie, and when should we be brutally honest.
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
"Give me a learning partner or give me death!", said a Great Sage. Why is friendship so important? Practical ideas on how to get and the give the most out of your friendships.
Facilitated by Risa Brumer
So much more than you learned in Hebrew School
Rosh Hashana
So much more than Apples in Honey. The real scoop!
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss and Rabbi Jordan Brumer
Yom Kippur
Do you find it hard to relate to fasting for 25 hours? Wondering how to find the spirituality in the High Holidays? This class is for you!
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss and Rabbi Jordan Brumer
Wondering what the symbolism of sitting in the little hut is? Deeper meanings revealed in this class!
Facilitated by Rabbi Jordan Brumer
Dreidels, candles and latkes… and don’t forget the presents!!! But what are we celebrating and why?
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss
Rosh Chodesh
Our monthly new moon celebration. A special holiday for women. But why?
Facilitated by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss and Risa Brumer